Shouldering the load. Photo © Carl Skoog.
Shouldering the load. Photo © Carl Skoog.
Steph Abegg
John Barry
Ralph Bodenner
Norm Burke
Kelly Bush
Beau Carillo
Geoff Cecil
Jeff Clark
Aaron Clifford
Matthew Clifton
Cori Conner
John Dittli
Todd Eddie
Dustin Fric
David Gottlieb
Jason Griffith
Tim Halder
Max Hasson
Blake Herrington
Kurt Hicks
Dan Hilden
Jason Hummel
Eric Jackson
Daniel Jeffrey
Monika Johnson
Rolf Larson
Erik Lawson
Mike Layton
Josh Lewis
Stefan Lofgren
Ryan Lurie
The Mountaineers
Jim Nelson
Kevin Newell
North Cascades NP
Dan Otter
Shannon Pahl
Tom Payne
Lee Arden Pete
Seth Pollack
Portland Mtn Rescue
Crispin Prahl
John Plotz
Scott Rinckenberger
Rad Roberts
John Roper
Jason Schilling
John Scurlock
Dan Sjolseth
Tom Sjolseth
Sky Sjue
Carl Skoog
Lowell Skoog
Steve Smith
Spring Trust for Trails
John Stimberis
Drew Tabke
Kevin Thurner
Jessica Todd
UW Special Collections
Curt Veldhuisen
Donn Venema
Wayne Wallace
Matthew Weaver
Eric Wehrly
Sol Wertkin
Aaron Zabriskie