NSAW-2017 - Avalanche Safety, It Takes a Village

This presentation was prepared for the Northwest Snow and Avalanche Workshop (NSAW) held at The Mountaineers in Seattle in 2017.

Synopsis — The 11th edition of NSAW reflects the continued growth of winter recreation in the Northwest and the increasing sophistication of our avalanche safety programs. Today we take advantage of a broad set of resources to plan winter activities and stay safe in avalanche country. In this presentation, Lowell Skoog describes how some of these programs in the Northwest came to be. Who were the pioneers? What did they do? How did we get to where we are today? Lowell believes that knowledge of the past can provide inspiration for the future.

This talk is expanded from an exhibit at the Washington State Ski and Snowboard Museum (wsssm.org). Lowell is a board member at the museum, a retired engineer, long-time Northwest skier, writer and historian. Lowell is also chairman of the Mountaineers History and Library Committee. Lowell spoke about Safety and Success on Cascade High Routes at the 2nd NSAW in 2008. He shares his research, photography, and writing on the Alpenglow Gallery website (www.alpenglow.org). and through occasional posts on turns-all-year.com and Facebook.

Lowell Skoog, 10/22/2017

The Alpenglow Gallery